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Useful Estate Sale Info

Ever wonder what the difference is between an Estate Sale and a traditional Yard Sale or Garage Sale? Well, let me explain a few differences that may have you rethinking the path you were going to take to rehome those items/household.

An Estate Sale has a higher level of "status" than a yard sale or garage sale. The clientele you get is very different, prices are different and merchandise is usually of better quality! When you tell people you are having a yard sale or garage sale, they normally think of items that are not of very high quality and expect to pay accordingly.

Another difference in having a professional company such as Treasures Past Estate Sales conduct an Estate sale for you is that some HOAs do not allow garage sales or yard sales but will allow an Estate Sale because they know it will be professionally managed as will this additional traffic and people in the neighborhood. So next time you have any questions about Estate Sales, feel free to send me a message! We are always happy to help!!

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